514nm CW ChromaB Laser System


  • Gaussian beam profile
  • Small package
  • Very low power consumption
  • Fibre coupled option available

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405nm Laser 405nm Laser 405nm Laser
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Output Power:1mW - 20mW
Spatial Mode:TEM00
Polarization (customer specified direction):>100:1
Beam Roundness:>95%
Beam Diameter at Exit Aperture @ 1/e2:>0.1mm
Linewidth (FWHM):>0.05nm
Beam Divergence:<1mrad
Beam Pointing Stability:<0.005mrad
Long-term Power Stability
(10 hours of continuous operation), Typical:
Noise Level to 100MHz (rms):<0.1%
External Modulation Option:Available
Warm-up Time:<1 minute
Operating Volatage:5V DC +/- 10%
Maximum Power Consumptiontyp 2W
Operating Temperature:10C - 40C
Storage Temperature:-20C - +70C
Laser Head Dimensions (LxWxH):100mm x 40mm x 20mm
Laser Controller:Inbuilt
Cable Length:750mm (other options available)
Laser Head Weight:90g
Cable Weight:40g