Near Infrared CW ChromaNIR Laser System


  • Gaussian beam profile
  • Small package
  • Very low power consumption
  • Fibre coupled option available

Product Images:

405nm Laser 405nm Laser
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Wavelength:730nm, 740nm, 750nm, 760nm,
770nm, 780nm, 790nm, 800nm,
808nm, 820nm, 830nm, 840nm,
850nm, 860nm, 870nm, 890nm,
905nm. 915nm, 935nm, 940nm,
950nm, 960nm, 970nm 980nm,
995nm, 1015nm, 1030nm,
1040nm, 1053nm, 1064nm,
1080nm, 1200nm, 1250nm,
1300nm, 1345nm, 1370nm,
1400nm, 1430nm, 1450mn,
1480nm, 1500nm, 1530nm,
1550nm, 1600nm, 1625nm,
1650nm, 1670nm, 1690nm
Output Power (single transverse mode):1mW - 400mW
Output Power (multi transversal mode):Up to 2W (at selected wavelengths)
Spatial Mode:TEM00 or Higher Order Modes (power dependent)
M2 (for single transversal mode):<1.1
Polarization (customer specified direction):>100:1
Beam Roundness (for Single Transversal Mode):>95%
Beam Diameter at Exit Aperture @ 1/e2:>0.1mm
Linewidth (FWHM):>0.1nm
Beam Divergence (for single transversal mode):<1mrad
Beam Pointing Stability:<0.005mrad
Long-term Power Stability
(10 hours of continuous operation), Typical:
Noise Level to 100MHz (rms):<0.1%
External Modulation Option:Available
Warm-up Time:<1 minute
Operating Volatage:5V DC +/- 10%
Maximum Power Consumptiontyp 1.5W; max 10W
Operating Temperature:10C - 40C
Storage Temperature:-20C - +70C
Laser Head Dimensions (LxWxH):100mm x 40mm x 20mm
Laser Controller:Inbuilt
Cable Length:750mm (other options available)
Laser Head Weight:90g
Cable Weight:40g